Running Partners
It's about running the race of life together.
Do you struggle with isolating, or staying on your goals?
Ask another Jewel Warrior to be your running partner that you can call/visit with once a week. We are better together.

Goals for Running Partners
It's about running the race of life to get the crown. ​
Pick a “running partner” (a woman running in the same direction)
Pick a day and time once a week to “workout”
Commit to honesty, vulnerability, and being real (don’t hide)
Agree to understanding and confidentiality (leave judgment outside)
Share high’s and low’s from the week
Share areas God is wanting you to grow and how are you responding
Share how you brought joy to Papa God and celebrate each other
Spend last 5-10 minutes praying out loud together
We recommend that every few months or so, you get together in person for a fun day. Also, it's good to have an honest check-in conversation about how it's working every few months. Do you need to change your call-in time, or has one of you just gotten pulled away to other things? It's important that you are both committed to doing this.